Why Your Store Design and Layout Matters

The best convenience store layouts can attract a steady stream of new business and create a flow of customers around the store. Only at the 2018 NAG Conference, hear from three leading convenience store chains why their winning c-store designs are driving traffic and boosting sales.

Retail business owners know that a handful of factors play into the success or failure of their store. Some of these factors include:
* The need or demand of the product you are selling.
* Customer satisfaction.
* Location, location, location.
* Top quality employees.

But what most retail store owners tend to overlook is that the layout of their store is vital, and directly related, to the rate of sales. Without a decent layout you risk losing customers and sales. Since moving merchandise is the name of the game, the store layout should help to achieve that goal by guiding customers through the store, exposing them to products. How people experience your store is a big part of your brand that needs to be as carefully crafted.

If you’re looking at opening a new store or eyeing a redesign of some current sites, you’re likely doing your due diligence into interior layouts that could work for your space. But you don’t need to spend a dime on research and development, as we’re sharing some of the top retail store layouts and interior design tips the industry has to offer at the 2018 National Advisory Group (NAG) Conference, which will be held from Sept. 9-12 in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.


For example, did you know that studies show that 90% of people tend to turn right after entering a space, starting a circulation trail through whatever store layout you’ve designed. Thus, placing your high-demand product or premium promotion in this space will ensure it’ll be seen. This area is known as your power wall and it can be both an excellent promotional and brand-building space. Use it to strike an impression. That’s a mind-boggling insight into shopping behavior.

To hear more, you will have to join us in Ponte Vedra Beach to hear the cutting-edge insights from three of the convenience store industry’s leading chains, including Maverik, Southwest Georgia Oil and Big 10 Marts, all of whom have been hailed for their retail design. View the full NAG Agenda at 2018 NAG Agenda.

The NAG design panel is titled: “Store Design and Layout: Identifying the Best Concepts Your Customers Will Find Appealing. A good retail store layout starts on paper, where details such as building specs, customer traffic flow and product placement come together. Every design step requires thoughtful planning and some trial and error, but when the doors are open, a stellar store layout will encourage customers to browse and buy. Hear from leading retailers on how their design successes are helping drive sales.”

Speakers for this panel include:
* Jacque Hager, Director of Operations, Big 10 Marts
* Danielle Mattiussi, Vice President of Retail Operations, Maverik Inc.
* Spencer Thomas, Brand Manager, Southwest Georgia Oil

The moderator: John Schaninger, President of The Schaninger Group and the former vice president of sales and marketing at QuickChek, where he spent 38 years honing his knowledge of the convenience store industry.

If your chain isn’t experiencing the success you’d like, here are a few tips to help with your store layout.
* Don’t place too many items in the front of your store. The area a few feet from the entrance is known as the decompression zone, and most customers don’t notice or pay much attention to items in that area.
* Place impulse or lower-cost items near checkouts and high-traffic areas.
* Put up the right amount of signage in the right areas. Help direct shoppers to sale or clearance items or other areas of interest you want trafficked.
* Make sure that layout keeps merchandise clearly visible for shoppers to see and pick up and gives them the personal space they like when shopping. You want your aisles wide enough that customers feel comfortable but narrow enough to ensure they slow down and browse as they walk through.

But if you want to hear more from a panel of experts, you will have to join us at the NAG Conference. Visit NAG Register to register to join us today.