The National Advisory Group’s (NAG) Young Executives Organization (YEO) is pleased to announce that Jeremie Myhren, the Chief Information Officer for Rockford, Ill.-based Road Ranger, has been named the Chairman of the Young Executives Organization (YEO). He will serve a one-year term as board chairman.
Myhren follows Bart Stransky, the vice president of merchandising for RaceTrac Petroleum Inc., who has served on the Board since 2016 and has aged out of the group following his 40th birthday.
In his role as Chairman, Myhren will help lead the educational component for YEO members as well as help recruit and integrate new members into the YEO network.
“I joined the convenience retail industry in 2000 at the age of 18. Now at 37 I’ve spent effectively the entirety of my adult life in the industry and have logged more of my living years working within the industry than outside of it. I have found success over the past 19 years that I owe in no small part to the nurturing and mentoring I received without expectation of reciprocity from both my peers and others connected to the industry,” Myhren said. “Participation in the YEO has been invaluable and critical to my continued leadership and executive development. It is a great privilege to take the reins from Bart Stransky who has done a fantastic job embodying and demonstrating what leadership looks like to our industry’s young executives. I look forward to the opportunity to continue in the work under NAG and YEO where Bart leaves off and am hopeful that I can help do for our next generation of leaders what has been done for me.”
As the convenience store and petroleum industry continues to evolve, training the next generation leaders of tomorrow is more important than ever before. NAG relaunched YEO in 2012 to help young executives have a group that is solely focused on exchanging personal experiences with peers in their age group.
“As the convenience store and petroleum industry continues to evolve, training the next generation leaders of tomorrow is more important than ever before,” said John Lofstock, Executive Director of (NAG). “Jeremie is a natural leader who understands the challenges facing young executives. He possesses unsurpassed knowledge of retail technology and will serve as a mentor to next-generation leaders. I look forward to working with him.”
YEO is an exclusive organization created to help young executives broaden their horizons in the competitive convenience store and petroleum industry. All board members are experienced and dedicated to convenience retailing, which makes them a perfect fit for this growing group. While Stranksy has aged out of YEO, he will continue to work with NAG in the future.
“It has been an honor being a part of the YEO group these past few years,” Stransky said. “I strongly believe in the purpose YEO serves preparing our industry’s next generation of leaders for the challenges we all face ahead. I know I am leaving YEO’s direction in extremely capable hands and I am excited to see how YEO continues to grow and evolve.”
“I have had the opportunity to work with Bart on several projects over the past few years and not only am I impressed by his knowledge of the industry, but his superior leadership skills,” Lofstock said. “I look forward to continuing to work with Bart, who will move to a leadership position in the National Advisory Group (NAG).”
The full Eight-Member YEO Board of Directors for 2018/2019 includes:
* Jeremie Myhren, Road Ranger (Board Chairman)
* Garet Bishop, BFS Cos.
* Caroline Filchak, Clipper Petroleum
* Kalen Frese, Warrenton Oil Co.
* Alex Garoutte, The Kent Cos.
* Sharif Jamal, Chestnut Petroleum
* Lindsay Lyden, truenorth Energy
* Stacey Davis, Clifford Fuel
YEO was developed to represent the interests of young executives (40 years of age or younger) in the convenience store and petroleum, industry. Participation in YEO is available to young executives from NAG member companies, including those being groomed for senior positions within their companies.
YEO’s objectives include:
* Provide meaningful learning and networking opportunities within NAG and YEO.
* Provide an opportunity for NAG members to invest in their employees’ development as the next generation of industry executives.
* Increase the awareness of the activities of NAG member companies to young executives and next-generation leaders.
YEO provides a networking and mentoring environment for young executives in the convenience store industry to enhance and develop their executive skills so that they may grow into strong convenience store industry leaders. YEO acts as the voice and the resource for young executives for NAG member companies. YEO will provide members with a forum to express their views and recommendations on the industry to ensure its future growth and prosperity.
Membership in YEO provides next-generation leaders in the convenience store and petroleum industry with an opportunity to network with other young executives, NAG members and influential industry leaders. It also gives young leaders a platform to express their ideas, leadership abilities and vision for the future of convenience retailing.
For information about NAG, YEO or our upcoming annual conference in Minneapolis Sept. 8-11, visit, or contact NAG Executive Director John Lofstock at [email protected].